Stefanie Gerstmayr finished her MFA in Fine Art in 2018 at Goldsmiths University London.
Stefanie's work has been included in exhibitions at Kunstverein Kärnten in Klagenfurt,
Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn as well as APT Gallery in London. 2022 she was awarded with
the US travelling scholarship by the state of Bavaria.
In her practice Gerstmayr explores the boundaries and transitions between drawing,
sculpture and the moving image. She is interested in questions of perception,
thinking bodies and feeling spirits/minds/ghosts. Wobbly lines, organic formal elements and
abstracted image fragments oscillate between two- and three-dimensionality;
they hold the space for ambiguity and spin new, non-linear narratives about the lives
of physical beings in an increasingly virtual world.
- 2022/08 Visiting artist at Mothership, New York City, USA
- 2016-2018 MFA Fine Art at Goldsmiths University of London (graduated with distinction)
- 2008-2015 Studies of photography at Academy of Fine Arts Munich (diploma as master student)
- 2024 "Von Symbionten und Monaden", Kunstverein Kärnten, Klagenfurt (trio)
- 2023 "Children of the City", Studio 52, Munich (solo)
- 2023 "Drawing Machine", Quartiersatelier Dulsberg, Hamburg (trio)
- 2023 "TRIANGLE", Studio 52, Munich
- 2023 "Offene Ateliers Ludlstraße", Munich
- 2022 "feat.", Edicola 51, Turin
- 2022 "Artist Salon", Mothership, NYC
- 2022 "Konglomerate und andere Disaster", KVD Galerie, Dachau (trio)
- 2022 "INTER_NARRATIVE SCAPES", Online Project
- 2021 "Atelier 19", Platform, Munich
- 2020 "Chronos und Kairos", Kunstbüro reillplast, Munich (duo)
- 2020 "SAFE PLAY (This new distance)", Platform, Munich
- 2019 "Komplizen", Platform, Munich
- 2018 "syntax error", Lewisham Arthouse, London (co-curator & artist)
- 2018 "Phantom Limb", Corsica Studios, London
- 2018 "Degree Show", Goldsmiths University of London, London
- 2018 "Beyond the Standard Model", Almanac, London
- 2018 "Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität 37", Galerie der Künstler, Munich
- 2017 "9 Ways To Tell Yourself Everything Will Be Fine", APT Gallery, London
- 2017 "Tacker", Galerie der Künstler, Munich
- 2017 "NoFuture", Out of the Brew, London
- 2016 "Tacker", Galerie der Künstler, Munich
- 2015 "Diploma Exhibition", Academy of Fine Arts, Munich
- 2013 "Atlas 2013", Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn
- 2012 "Eye Eye", Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich
- 2011 "7 Stars for Bad Reichenhall", urban area of Bad Reichenhall
- 2023 Studio grant programm, the municipality of Munich
- 2022 US scholarship, the State of Bavaria
- 2021 Project grant "Junge Kunst und junge Wege", the State of Bavaria
- 2020 Studio grant programm, the municipality of Munich
- 2016 Project grant, Erwin und Gisela von Steiner Foundation
- 2011 Fanny-Carlita Foundation